Practitioner-Only, Precision Probiotics

  • Strain Specific

    Each of our products are formulated with specific probiotic strains to provide targeted health benefits. Different probiotic strains do different things – in fact, the genetic difference between two strains can be as significant as the difference between a human and a lemur.

  • Clinically Trialled

    Our range includes complete product formulations and specific probiotic strains which are backed by a high level of clinical evidence. Results from human clinical trials support each of our Activated Probiotics products.

  • Shelf Stable

    Our Live Probiotic Promise™ guarantees our products will contain the number of live probiotic microorganisms as stated on the label, at a minimum, up until expiry.

  • Microencapsulated

    Microbac™ microencapsulation is used in many of our products to protect each individual bacterium against the damaging effects of stomach acid, allowing up to 5x more probiotic bacteria to survive and reach the gut alive.

The vaginal microbiome and
L. crispatus dominance

The oral microbiome and its impact on whole-body health

Clinically-trialled probiotic strains for pediatric immunity

Meet the Activated Probiotics range